Today Robin Bradford and I are speaking during the opening session of the new 3 week LJ/SLJ course on Evaluating, Auditing, and Diversifying Your Collections.
We have 45 minutes of conversation planned, using these slides as a guide. Whether or not you are in this session, you can access the slides here. And please note, there are many links to more information and resources including a link associated with every image. So click away and go down the Actively Anti-Racist Service to Leisure Readers rabbit hole with us.
The goal today is for us to set the "ground rules" of what the students can expect from the course. You can find those "ground rules" on slide 3, but if you follow the work Robin and I do even a little, you will not be surprised.
Robin and I will have a conversation that will challenge much of what the average library worker holds dear. We will purposely introduce difficult and uncomfortable situations to challenge you. And then, we will leave 15 minutes for a few questions. If you are in the class though, know that Robin will still be around during the entire course to moderate learning and that the questions you have from our presentation, will help lead you through this valuable course.
I realize this course is expensive, but the slides are free here. And emailing me with your questions [which I pass on to Robin] is also free. Click here or on the RA for All logo from any page to access my contact info page.
Robin and I are committed to doing what we can to help dismantle systemic oppression in public libraries, but we are not naive. We have purposely focused on work on your service to leisure readers because that is our specialty-- her, collection development and me, RA service. Our goal is to shake loose a few of the stones in the towering wall that is systemic oppression with the hope that of they are loosened you can start dismantling that wall at your institution and throughout your every day work. We have to start somewhere because the status quo over.
For more about the work Robin and I are doing with libraries all over the country, please go to our Actively Anti-Racist Service to Leisure Readers homepage here. That page contains training options and pricing.
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