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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

You Don't Have To Finish That Book You Aren't Enjoying

 ...I mean unless you are being paid to review it, which does pertain to me sometimes.

But seriously, you don't get a prize for finishing a book that isn't doing it for you, nor do you go to library jail if someone finds out you didn't finish it. Quite the opposite for both-- no one cares. I mean, not even little. Who are you trying to impress?

Well, stop. It's not working.

Look, just like I say all the time that nobody cares how many books you read, no one cares what books you finish or not. And I am often flabbergasted at my colleagues inability to see how silly they are being when they force themselves to finish a book that they are not enjoying. 

Again, no one is forcing you and there is no penalty, and yet, many of you still feel like you HAVE to finish each and every book you start.

While I have spent many words trying to convince you to give top this behavior over the years, I know many of you have not, so I am switching tactics with the help of a recent Book Riot post.

"Why Do We Keep Reading A Book We Are Hating?" was posted on the site yesterday, and this article tries to figure out WHY all of you keep going with the books you are not in to, naming reasons and giving examples.

So I urge those of you who feel like the world will end if you don't finish every book you start-- yeah you, I am calling you out-- all of you, please read the article and think about the reasons the author gives as to why people continue books they dislike. Find one [or more] that describes your toxic relationship with the books you aren't enjoying, and well, analyze that and try to come to terms with it. 

Maybe by taking the time to understand the why behind your [irrational] actions, you will have a chance to really contemplate this life choice. 

And then, ditch that book.

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