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Thursday, March 17, 2022

Book Bans Affect Everybody-- Here's How You Can Help by Alex Brown via Tor.com

In my role as a leader in anti-racist training, service to leisure readers, and as a Trustee, I am trying to help all of you stay up to date on the current increase in materials challenges. To that end, I have started tagging key posts, "censorship." Please click on that tag for more information.

Also my local system, RAILS, created a "pulse page" for Materials Challenges. They create these pages on popular topics. While this is info is specific to Northern IL, anyone can access the page and the links. Also RAILS is a multi-type system so there is information for school and public libraries.

Speaking of school libraries, I wanted to share my colleague Alex Brown's recent post for Tor.com. Brown is a school librarian and an award winning author and critic. Their article entitled, "Book Bans Affect Everybody-- Here's How You Can Help," provides an actionable plan on how all people, everywhere, can best support those who are dealing with challenges as well as how to help stop challenges before they happen.

This article does not proclaim to have all the answers [and I also am clear in my coverage that I don't either], but it does give you an EXCELLENT place to begin, both begin acting, but also, begin comprehending the scope of the problem in clear language.  Brown is a very smart and thoughtful person. I trust them, have worked with them, and look to them for advice and knowledge often, especially about school libraries. 

Read the article today. And now it is part of my ongoing "censorship" coverage so you can get back to it, and more, with one click, and use what you need to help your library and your community deal with challenges or get prepared in case they come.

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