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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Crash Course in Science Fiction Slides and Learn With Novelist Access

Click here for slide access
NoveList and LibraryReads have teamed up over the last few years to offer free webinars that serve as a "Crash Course" on a genre or format. 

Recently, they had the first "repeat." They updated their original presentation on Science Fiction.

Beginning with this first repeat, NoveList has made some changes to how you access these programs.

They will remain free to watch live. Always. If you attend the live session you will also receive access to the slides for 2 weeks, which you can download.

After that, they will go to the Learn with NoveList platform where you can access each for $20. So, for example, if you get a new employee, for $20 you can have experts teach them about the state of SF right now. Over time, there will be more to choose from. But for now, that $20 gets you the webinar plus access to the exclusive, in-depth bonus materials include:
  • Interactive info on subgenres, appeals, and themes
  • How to help readers of science fiction
  • Expanded NoveList science fiction search demo
  • Genre guides for all ages
  • Recommended Reads

While this bonus content is totally worth the $20, I expressed concerned with the higher ups at NoveList about the amount of paper work some library workers would have to complete just to get authorized for $20. The price is very fair, but as someone who worked at a library who would have paid for this for me and my staff, I also know it would require a lot of paperwork and waiting for me to get to the point where we could watch it. To be honest, I might not have prioritized it over day to day work.

However, if I had the slide access and could see how much it would be worth it. I could also use some of the material ASAP to help readers. Not all but some, and as a NoveList subscriber, even more.

To her credit, NoveList VP Danielle Borasky immediately agreed to allowing me to post the slides for all of you.

While you are there, consider signing up for Robin's and my Actively Anti-Racist Service to Readers class. There is plenty of time to complete the asynchronous learning before we come for the next live Q&A event on Monday April 17th. If you use the code "Becky" or "Robin" -- your choice-- you can get $40 off. There are also discounts for any library who wants to buy multiple seats. Email me and I will make sure someone contacts you ASAP with those discounts. Who knows? Maybe they will throw in Crash Course access as well. I am willing to ask for you.

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