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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Big Five Imprints Infographic

Whether you realize it or not, much of what we do in libraries is inexorably tied to the Big 5 publishers, and specifically to the fact that the vast majority of books in our collections are published by only 5 companies. 

Because these publishers have dozens of imprints, it is easy to forget that it all boils down to 5 and only 5. Yes we collect items by others presses, but it is pocket change in comparison.

I know many of you know this, but how many of you have sat down and really thought about it. Probably none of you. Heck, I barely give this the brain space I should. I grapple with this 4x a year as I build my Library Journal Horror Review Column and try as hard as I can to have no more than 2 books by one publisher.

Well someone who thinks about this a lot and has turned it into an infographic that will force you to realize how much we are beholden to the Big 5 is Ali Almossawi who runs "The Critical Thinker."

Click here to see their infographic illustrating the Big 5's control on publishing. I promise you, even if you think you are ready to see this, you are not.

I, for one, am going to keep this graphic in mind more often as I go about my day to day work.

Please take a moment to look and absorb.

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