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Monday, July 3, 2023

USA Today's Bestseller List is Back!

This will be a weird week, with so many of you off on different days, so I will keep the posts brief to make your catch up after time off easier. This one is an easy choice for celebration, Last week, USA Today announced that their best-sellers list is back, with a few key (and excellent IMO) changes. Details here or below.

USA Today's Best-selling Booklist, on hiatus since late last year, is returning with a new focus on independent bookstores.

Every Wednesday at 6 a.m. Eastern, USA Today will post a list of the 150 top-selling titles of the week, with sales data gathered from independent bookstores, chains, mass merchandisers, and online retailers. Through a partnership with the American Booksellers Association and Bookshop, the list's primary buy buttons will take readers to Bookshop.org, and every week there will be a new Independent Bookstore of the Week.

In addition to the featured indie bookstore, the team at the Novel Neighbor in St. Louis, Mo., will contribute content to go along with the Booklist. Examples include a Dear Abby-esque feature called Dear Bookseller, which incorporates some of the store's Mystery Box requests, as well as features like Looks as Books. Store owner Holland Saltsman noted that Kassie King, Novel Neighbor's director of social media and marketing, will be the primary contributor for editorial material, and other team members, such as director of events and curated collections Stephanie Skees, will also have a hand. In addition, USA Today will publish interviews with authors featured on the list.

Indie booksellers interested in having their store's data included in the list can reach out to booklist@usatoday.com. Those interested in the weekly bookstore feature can inquire at usatoday@thenovelneighbor.com.

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