I can come to your library, book club meeting, or conference to talk about how to help your readers find their next good read. Click here for more information including RA for All's EDI Statement.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Basic RA Training Resource Reminder

I am back in the car all day today, but with a busy week of 3 presentation next week I thought today would be a good time to remind you that I always have my most recent presentations and my 10 Rules of Basic RA Service available for you to use for FREE 24/7. Both pages are always in the right gutter of the blog.

My 10 Rules of Basic RA are always here. 

My Recent and Upcoming Presentations page is here.

Both include links to the longer posts I have written about the topics contained within each. My slides specifically are created to be a resource for all. If you have been to the presentation they serve to extend your learning, but, even if you are encountering the slides only, they are purposely created to be an outline of the major points with those links for more context and information. 

And if you have been a part of one of my live presentations in the past, you should still check the slides and "Rules" pages because while the titles of my presentations have stayed the same, the content changes all the time. For example, when I get a really good question during a presentation, I will write a longer post about it, providing a longer answer with context and links. Then, I will add them to the presentation which generated that question.

I call my company RA for All of a variety of reasons, but I live by all of them. It is both the name of my company and my mission statement all in one. In this case one of those definitions  is that I provide as much training to ALL of you on how to serve you leisure readers as possible. You can use the link above to improve your skills and get some new ideas for free.

I want to help all of you help all of your readers whether you hire me or not. Obviously, in person you get more, but I work very hard to make the the resources here as useful as possible to as many people as possible. 

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