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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Library Journal's Stars So Far

Since I did 2 days of Booklist to start the week, it is time to do Day 2 of LJ related posts. 

Alongside my Horror Genre Preview in the July Issue is "Stars So Far." From the landing page:

The first half of 2024 has been full of astronomical events—the eclipse, the northern lights, and sublime images of space. Here on Earth, LJ reviewers have discovered 490+ stars of their own, with books that have earned the magazine’s highest accolade, a starred review. To celebrate these dazzling reads, we have gathered their constellation of reviews, with an accompanying downloadable spreadsheet, sortable by subject/genre and BISAC heading (bit.ly/4eED0RS).

That link above brings you to the spread sheet, to make ordering easier, but they also made a page for each category/genre. And since we are talking about STAR reviews, everything review is free to read.

I have pulled out each list for your ease, in no particular order except for the fact that the best genre is first:

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