I can come to your library, book club meeting, or conference to talk about how to help your readers find their next good read. Click here for more information including RA for All's EDI Statement.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

REMINDER: Not to Miss FREE Readers' Advisory Training from Booklist

Please see below for a NOT TO MISS, completely FREE, 3 hour RA training event-- Readers' Advisory Ideas & Practice 2025. Robin and I were a part of the 2024 event, and I cannot say enough good things about how it went.

What I love about this day is that you can do it all live, do parts live and parts recorded, or do all recorded. It is up to you. I signed up the second I got the email so I can figure out when we get to March 12th.

Also you can still watch last year's Readers' Advisory Ideas and Practice for free in the Booklist Webinar archives. And again, it is still FREE. Scroll back to March of 2024 and while you are scrolling, checkout all of the other great webinars you can watch. You will just need to enter some information and they will email you the link.

Back to this upcoming event, all the details are below. Click here to sign-up now or use the button at the end of the post.

Join us for this exciting workshop,
Readers’ Advisory:
Ideas & Practice 2025

Booklist is back with a new series of free readers' advisory workshops on Wednesday, March 12 starting at 11 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. CT / 2 p.m. ET designed to keep you up to speed on both the ideas and practice that will enhance your RA game. Learn from experts in the field about how genres relate to each other, how to talk to patrons about their leisure reading, and how to write an effective book annotation. Participants should have an understanding of the basic readers’ advisory concepts of appeal elements (character, pace, storyline, tone, and writing style).

Workshop Topics:

The State of Genreblending in Adult & YA (11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET): Adult readers' advisory librarian Misha Stone (she/her) and Hugo-nominated and Ignyte award-winning critic and High School librarian Alex Brown (they/them) will talk about trends in genreblends in adult and YA fiction and how to help readers find the perfect blend for their reading interests. Session Time: 55 minutes.

Nonfiction Readers’ Advisory (12 p.m. PT / 3 p.m. ET): Programming and Outreach Specialist Stephanie Sendaula (she/her) and rural library director Allie Stevens Gosselink (she/her) will explore how accessibility, format variability, and high-interest subject matter create many opportunities to use nonfiction titles in leisure reading recommendations for adults and teens alike. Session Time: 50 minutes.

Hot Tips for Hand-Selling (1 p.m. PT / 4 p.m. ET): Librarians and Booklist editors Heather Booth (she/her) and Susan Maguire (she/her) will show you how to build a book talk using clues from reviews. Session Time: 50 minutes.

Register now! (One registration form required for all three sessions.) All sessions will be recorded and distributed to registrants after the live event. Sponsored by Penguin Random House and Crabtree Publishing.

Can't make the date? Register for Booklist's upcoming webinars and we'll send you the archive after the event!



March 12

11:00 AM Pacific
12:00 PM Mountain
1:00 PM Central
2:00 PM Eastern

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