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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Stop What You Are Doing and Talk to Your Patrons About the Proposed IMLS Cuts Today!

Back in December I had this post, "Who We Are, What We Do, and Why-- Make a Commitment to Do Better in 2025." Well stop making excuses for why you haven't done it yet because I am here to give you a script and action step to pass on to your patrons.

A blue rectangle with the words "TRUMP IS TRYING TO CUT LIBRARIES. FIGHT BACK WITH ALA." on the bottom left is the logo for "Show up for our libraries" and on the bottom right, the logo for the American Library Association

Trump’s Trying to Gut Libraries: Fight Back with ALA

Late on Friday, March 14, President Trump issued an executive order attempting to dismantle the only federal agency dedicated to funding library services, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Millions of people rely every day on library services and programs supported by IMLS. Now we need YOU to show up for our libraries.

Okay here is what you do with this information-- you share it and how to act with your friends, family and patrons in emails and by handing out QR codes to go directly to the ALA one-click campaign above. This link goes directly to the page for the ALA's "Show Up for Libraries" page. All people have to do is give their name and address and an email is created for ALL of their federal reps. It takes a few seconds. 

That is the least you can do. But if you can, write emails too. Here is an article from my library system with the language you can put in an email to your friends and colleagues. It explains the situation very clearly to a non library person audience. Cut and paste whatever parts you would like. There are multiple action steps listed there. It gives people a chance to interact with this advocacy campaign in the way that is right for them.

I know all of these actions are easy and work because I send a few of these emails a month, for every issue that ALA asks me to send for. But they are used to ME, sending emails. What about you? What about your patrons? 

At my library board last night, I told my fellow board members that it is our duty to spread the word about this to those who are not as connected to libraries as we are.

Today, I am directly asking you, my readers, wherever you live in America to get 10 people in your networks to click through and spend 30 seconds to get an email sent to all of their federal reps. And ask them to get 10 people to do it as well. I already did it, so there is no reason you cannot.

There is a chance to personalize the standard message if people want to, but honestly, flooding as many federal reps as possible as often as possible, in as many districts as possible, is our goal. Since I have a national platform, I am using it to help encourage you to do a simple local action.

I want you to target not only your friends and family, but also your patrons.

If your library tells you that you cannot talk about this at work-- a reality especially in states where the ALA is banned-- do it passively. Make those QR codes and hand them out. In the library, at the grocery store, when you see friends, ask them to use them and then pass on to someone else. Remind people that we need as many people as possible to do this-- en mass.

Again, no excuses that you don't know what to say. Here is an article from my library system. It has the language you can put in an email to your friends and colleagues. Cut and paste whatever parts you would like. There are multiple action steps listed there.

If you can't stand up for Libraries, you shouldn't work in one.

And, quite honestly, if you cannot figure out a way to solicit others to help act, I am not sure you should read this blog anymore.

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