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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Library Journal Takes A Deep Dive Into Generational Reading Habits: Part 1

We all know our patrons and their habits because we serve them day in and day out. We have anecdotal evidence of how certain segments of our patrons behave and use the library. We even go so far as to gather specific data about our populations, their library usage, and their habits especially when we are doing strategic planning. This information helps us to craft our collections, plan programming, and line up our service priorities.

However, none of us, even me, someone who travels the entire country visiting libraries, have a good sense of what readers are like across the country, especially when we talk about behaviors based on their ages.  We have a little data that was collected by the Pew Foundation, but those specific studies were too long ago at this point to be useful today.

But now, here comes Library Journal to the rescue. They have begun a series of deep dives into generational reading behavior, with a particular focus on library usage. I am very excited to pass on this first report here and below. I have also started a new tag, "generational reading behavior," in order to make pulling up the entire series easier in the future.

Yes, knowing out local populations is key to the best public library service, but understanding broader trends and looking at a larger picture is also important. This report is fascinating and the charts are very useful. This is a series that every single one of my readers can and will use.

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