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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Resource Alert: Lit Hub's Most Anticipated Lists

Today I have a post that has been hanging out in my drafts folder for over a week, but the good news is, it is useful now and in the future: Lit Hub's massive Most Anticipated Books of 2021- Part 2 list.

This list is great for obvious collection development and planning purposes. It is an easy way for you to see a very wide and broad list of books that will be coming out so you can order them, yes, but also prepare lists, displays, and read alike options for when there is a wait.

But here is the expert level hack-- every time one of these lists comes out, I use it as a reminder to check past "Most Anticipated" lists and Lit Hub does a lot of those.

Lit Hub must not have a librarian on staff because they don't have am easy to use "Most Anticipated" tag but I ran a very complicated search for you to pull them up. with one click. Okay it wasn't complicated. I searched most anticipated, but still. 

As I always say, the backlist is a treasure trove of RA options for you and these past most anticipated lists are the perfect example. Accessing what was just "anticipated" six months, 1 year, 3 years ago [etc....] is an excellent resource to fill your displays with "good reads" options. They also make excellent suggestions.

And you don't have to have read these books to book talk them to a potential reader. These lists have an annotation you can read as your "book talk" and just the fact that they are on a "most anticipated" list is part of your hand sell. All people want to hear is that someone liked the book and/or thought it was worth a try. 

So go forth and look at  Lit Hub's massive Most Anticipated Books of 2021- Part 2 list today and get excited about all of the wonderful titles coming soon, but also please use this as a reminder to go back in time and dig through that backlist.

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