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Friday, November 18, 2022

Genre Updates: Trends in Romance and SF/FSY

Staying up to date with the trends and changes in the genres makes our job easier, whether you are a fan of that genre or not. There are many ways to stay in genre shape and I have a bunch of them listed here.

That is the Becky's Favorite Free Genre Resources page and it is also always linked on my 10 Rules of Basic RA Service page.

Today I have 2 specific resources that you can peruse quickly to get a sense of where 2 popular reading areas heading at this moment.

The first is from the editors at Harlequin, the larger publisher  of romance, writing about what they see as the biggest trends in the genre.

The second is my colleague and friend, Kristi Chadwick, the Science Fiction and Fantasy columnist for Library Journal. She has her SFF Genre Preview (similar to what I write for Horror) in the current issue of LJ and online. In this article she previews key titles and talks about the emerging trends. 

Take a look at these articles today. It won't take long. And then bookmark my Genre Resources page for later. You can systematically go through all of the genres and check in to see what is new and different from the last time you looked. You don't have to do it all at once either. Make a plan to take a close look at each genre at least once a year.

Back Monday-Wednesday next week and then off Thursday-Friday. 

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