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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

PLA 2024 Schedule Featuring Me and Robin

Now that LibLearnX is in the rearview, let's talk about the Public Library Association Conference coming April 3-5. 

I am always excited to attend this conference and apparently so are a lot of people because I keep finding out that so many of you are going. I think the location, Columbus, helps. It is driving distance for a lot of people, and an easy and affordable flight for anyone with Southwest at their airport.

I am also excited to be presenting. After doing this preconference at the last PLA in Portland, Robin and I are back, this time with Yaika Sabat from NoveList, to present the following program:

Anti-racist Reader Services: Beyond the Basics

April 3rd
10:15 AM-11:15 AMET

Panel Presentation
You're committed to providing anti-racist service to your community, and you've learned basics, like where to find diverse titles and how to audit your collection. So, what's next? This session will discuss deeper concerns and questions about actively anti-racist reader services, like how to deal with racist comments from patrons, whether every viewpoint deserves a spot on the shelves, and how to create your vision of anti-racist collections and services.

Yaika Sabat
Manager of Reader Services 

Robin Bradford
Collection Development Librarian 
Pierce County Library 

Becky Spratford
Readers' Advisory Specialist 
RA for All 

We are in the first programming slot for the entire conference, which is exciting for a variety of reasons. First, we can help you set the tone of your entire conference experience. We are mindful of our slot and want to give you tangible things you can not only bring back to your library, but also, use to frame your entire conference experience.

Second, it gives us time to enjoy the conference and enhance our own learning.

And third, and this is something I felt very strongly about, it gives us time throughout the rest of the conference to set up some times to meet with people one on one to discuss your specific issues at your libraries.

One thing Robin and I have learned in providing these training sessions over the last 3 years is that we need to give people an option to talk to us privately. Even in the safe spaces we work hard to create, there are things that people do not feel comfortable sharing with others. We know it is awful out there. Trust me, we do. But we are steadfast in not giving in and fighting on.

To this end, we are working to have "office hours" somewhere. Hopefully the NoveList/EBSCO booth, but we will let you know during our session, on social media, and here on the blog. But having the session at the start of the conference means there is more time for us to meet with you throughout the full 3 days. And, I am there until the closing session. 

If you are on the fence about going, maybe this post today will help you decide to join us. And look, I know it is expensive. Very expensive. I know because I pay for myself. But, for me at least, this is the only national conference I am attending this year. I cannot make StokerCon or ALA Annual due to family stuff. (All good things, but things that don't allow me to travel.) For me, PLA is always a good investment because it is only public library workers. 

And, if you are signed up already and want to let me know contact me. I'd love to meet as many of you as possible. Plus I will have pens and stickers in abundance.

Finally, for those who cannot join us, consider signing up for the class Robin and I do for Learn With Novelist. You still have time to complete the class and meet with us 3x in a live Q & A Session. We create a cohort, team learning atmosphere that lasts all of 2024, and it is less than 1/2 the cost of attending PLA.

Important note to those of you who have rules against anti-racist or DEI training-- this program allows you simply to sign up and pay for "Learn with NoveList." Full stop. No details on which class. They offer a bunch. We have found that library workers in this situation have had no problem getting this class funded, especially if they already subscribe to NoveList. 

And you can always reach out to me with your difficult questions. I will share with Robin. We are willing to help.

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