Readers of this blog have seen me talk about Circulating Ideas (podcast) before. Today I want to share Steve's latest episode and his plans for a Summer of Authors, Books, and even RA help from LibraryReads and NoveList.
You can click here to listen to Circulating Ideas and sign up for the newsletter. But today, I am going to give you a sneak peek at what that newsletter for the current episode looks like and encourage you to stay tuned for more.
But first, here is the confirmed schedule Steve shared with me. There is one more that is like 95% figured out as well:
Welcome to the (first?) Circulating Ideas Summer Reading Spectacular! 🎉
I considered this “summer reading” concept for the podcast last summer but did not get around to organizing it in time. I got on the ball earlier this year, contacting authors and publishers, and here we are: 8 (maybe 9?) weeks of podcasts featuring 8 (maybe 9?) authors!
Cory Doctorow is the first featured author, and he is one of the returning authors that will be part of the series (stay tuned to discover who the other returning author is!). He was the guest for Episode 28 in 2013 (!) when Allison Tran and I were collaborating on a podcasting project. Now, he returns to talk about the second book in his Martin Hench series: The Bezzle! The novel delves deep into the topics that Doctorow knows so well, digging into the depths that greed has descended to in the name of capitalism. If you read Doctorow’s daily Pluralistic writings, none of the topics will be new to you, but how he weaves them into an exciting thriller will intrigue you.
Check out my interview with him now, either as a podcast or the transcript!
Summer Reading ListOne of the things I’m enjoying is putting together a Summer Reading List, with each guest author adding a book or two of their choosing. I’ll update the list with each episode until we have our complete list at the end of the summer!
The Circ Desk
This episode features the debut of a new segment on the show: The Circ Desk, featuring Rebecca Vnuk from Library Reads and Yaika Sabat from NoveList. In this episode, they chat about cyber- and techno-thrillers, including The Bezzle and its “vacation interrupted” appeal factor!
The Circ Desk recommends:
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