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Friday, June 7, 2024

Slide Access to Buzzing About Horror Books from StokerCon 2024 Librarians' Day and Save the Date for 2025


Each year at StokerCon, during Librarians' Day, we offer a preview of upcoming Horror books featuring a rotating cast of bookish people. And every book on the Buzzing panel is always available in ARC form for attendees to take home thanks to the hard work of HWA Library Committee Co-Chair, Konrad Stump.

This year we had: Corey Farrenkopf from Eastham Public Library, Sadie Hartmann Co-owner: Night Worms (and as of one day after this event, Bram Stoker Award winner!), Misty Jones and Christy Rickey Meister both from San Diego Public Library, Carina Stopenski from Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, and HWA's own Emily Vinci from Schaumburg Township District Library. 

I highly suggest you use the slides to build a cart of titles to order.

Add these slides to my upcoming July 2024 Horror Genre Preview in LJ and you have everything you need to satisfy your scariest patrons in the coming months.

As a bonus, below are some pictures from Librarians' Day as well. 

Finally, save the date for Friday, June 13, 2025 in Stamford, CT for the next Librarians Day. Full conference registration is open now at the lowest rate possible until 6/10. LD only tickets won't be available for a few months, but full conference registration gets you into LD as well.  I can 100% confirm that there will be a Horror Buzz Panel.

Contact me and Konrad if you have questions about StokerCon or the HWA's library activities-- libraries at horror dot org.

The 2024 LD Leadership Team

HWA Library Committee Co-Chair
Konrad Stump

How to Promote Horror at
Your Library Panel 

Emily Vinci, Misty Jones, and
Sadie Hartmann

One of the many happy library workers
with their ARCs

Summer Scares authors Clay McLeod Chapman
and Rachel Harrison

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