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Friday, January 29, 2021

Think Like A Reader: Book Discovery in Socially Distant Times via Book Riot

We are all looking for ways to connect with our patrons, to help them discover their next read despite our socially distant times. Book Riot had a great post this week, directed at readers, listing 10 Ways they can find books even though they really can't browse physical shelves right now.

Don't worry, the library is one of the 10 options.

Click here to read the article, "How to Find Books to Read: 10 Ways."

After reading it, I have two ways you can use the information.

First, and this one is obvious, take the ideas from the 9 places that aren't libraries and use them to help you find new titles or get ideas on how to present them to your readers.

And second, and this one is more important, look at how Book Riot writes their posts. Their authors address their audience reader to reader. The content creators think like the readers they are, they speak to the readers who clicks they are seeking. This is not a criticism. This is me saying we need to be more like them. 

Book Riot writes in a conversational tone. They are making friends with the reader. We write in a formal style or as if we know better and talk down to our audience. We need to be more about connecting with our patrons as the readers we all are, not about holding ourselves above them.

Read the article and learn from the content and how it delivers it.

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